Customer Satisfaction Survey

As part of Advance Thermal's continuous improvement process it is important to us to receive customer feedback on our products and services with respect to our performance in quotation, engineering, manufacturing and installation stages of each contract.

We request that you please take a short time to evaluate our performance on items listed below.

Job Name:
PO Number:
Your Name:

Ranking System:
 5   =  excellent
 4   =  very good
 3   =  good
 2   =  satisfactory but needs improvement
 1   =  poor, needs much improvement
 NA   =  not applicable

A. Quotation and Contract Award Process 5 4 3 2 1 NA
(1) Did we properly prepare our quotation to your specifications?
(2) How satisfied were you with the information provided in our proposal?
(3) Did we respond to your inquiries satisfactorily and in a timely manner?
(4) How easy was it to contact the Sales Representative assigned to you?
(5) Did we meet your overall expectations in the quotation phase?
(6) Was the Sales Representative/Manager knowledgeable in our product and your needs?
(7) Was the transition to engineering a smooth one?
B. Engineering Design Process 5 4 3 2 1 NA
(8) Did Engineering respond to your inquiries satisfactorily and in a timely manner?
(9) Was Engineering knowledgeable on our product and your needs?
(10) Did we properly accommodate the changes you requested?
(11) Were your expectations met in the engineering stage?
C. Manufacturing / Fabrication 5 4 3 2 1 NA
(12) Was the product properly constructed to your specifications?
(13) Were you kept informed on the status of your contract or order?
(14) Did the final product meet your requirements?
D. Installation and Delivery 5 4 3 2 1 NA
(15) Did the product arrive when promised?
(16) Were our installation personnel knowledgeable on our product and efficient during installation?
(17) Was it in acceptable condition?
E. Comments


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